Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Eyes of Love

Eyes of Love
We were sitting on the couch, and I hugged my wiggly  six-year-old granddaughter Joy. 
Looking up at me she declared, ”Grandma, A lady loves me”
“Did your mother tell you that Joy?”
“Did the lady tell you that ?”
“How do you know she loves you?”
“I saw it in her eyes.”
That sentence jolted me. “Where did you see this lady?”
“At Wal-Mart.” she answered with excitement.

      Another jolt. My mind began to wonder how many people looked into my eyes and saw love while I shopped. How many people were desperate for a look of love while I refused to see them? Ouch! That thought hurt.
I was careful what I allowed my eyes to see. But after my Joy girl shared I realized my eyes were used to receive and give.  Not only were they receptacles, but they were transmitters. They gave and received light or darkness. Love or indifference.                                                                
      Question: Am I willing to interrupt my day to look at people?
Scripture: “Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body.  If you live wide-eyed in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light…” Luke 11:34 (MSG)

1 comment:

  1. This is really good to keep in mind. I often don't pay attention to what I might be saying with my facial expression. Everywhere we go we are to preach the Good News the Gospel of Jesus. We are to have the joy of the Lord. I will pay better attention after reading this.

