Monday, October 2, 2017

Selective Hearing

The adorable little boy sitting in a grocery cart at the checkout was about five with chunky cheeks. His pudgy hands covered his ears. His large brown eyes spoke “no” while he shook his head from side to side. “Mama has to take you to the day care.” Head and hands continued to shake back and forth vigorously as his mother spoke.
            “ You’ll get to play with the other children.” Staring straight ahead he continued to shake his head and refused to hear her.
            “Marcus, I have to go to work,” she spoke sternly. His eyes changed from stubbornness to sorrow, and his head shook slower. Tears began to flow.
            “Sugar, if you’re a good boy this week, Mama will take you to Chucky Cheese when I get my paycheck.” He removed his hands, and his smile told everyone that these words he had heard.
            I had just studied the book of Mathew and decided Marcus reminded me of Jesus’ disciples. They also had selective hearing. In Matthew Jesus told his disciples clearly that he was going to die and be raised from the dead in three days. Five times he referenced his death! The disciples were like little boys who refused to hear words they didn’t want to hear.
            However, when the disciples heard they were to be honored and sit upon thrones their hearing improved. This statement, recorded only once in chapter twenty is heard clearly. James and John with their mother’s help connive to get the two best thrones. Jesus’ words about his crucifixion are forgotten and they think only about themselves. I decide that young and old put their hands over their ears to stop words we don’t want to hear.
Scripture: "In this world you will have trouble. 
                  But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 NIV

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